Overall, we give the Kamado Joe Classic II & Big Joe II grills 4.3 out of 5 steaks.

- Overall Value – 5.0
- Construction Quality – 4.5
- Consistent Temperature – 4.0
- Grilling Flexibility – 4.0
- Design/Style – 4.5
- Cleaning – 4.0
- Warranty Coverage – 4.0
- Innovation – 5.0
- Brand’s Customer Service – 5.0
The Basics:
- An up-and-coming leading name in the business
- Hinge on lid that uses Airlift technology
- Separate areas for simultaneous grilling
- Bells-and-whistles included unlike in other brands
- Option to purchase more features for even more versatile cooking
Our Review:
One of the biggest up-and-coming companies when it comes to kamados and outdoor cooking is Kamado Joe, and they are enthusiastic about turning the grillin’ world ablaze. They work to have top-tier products, and ones that are economically feasible and a worthwhile purchase for any grillin’ enthusiast. When adding one of their products, like either the Kamado Joe Classic II or Big Joe II to your dream outdoor kitchen, everyone will instantly notice the eye-catching design of these kamados. Not only that, but each of the grills has characteristics and construction that help boost their overall longevity.
Underneath the lid of either the Kamado Joe Classic II or Big Joe II grills is a hinge that incorporates airlift technology. Most kamado-style grills are well known for having lids that are hefty in weight. However, due to the hinge that is used on the lid of the cookers by Kamado Joe, the weight of the lid is automatically reduced by up to 96%! This means there should be no more fear of causing unintentional devastation to the ceramics that are used to construct the lid when opening or closing it. It also lets you keep the lid open at any preferred point of degree so that if you would like to continue your grilling with the lid slightly open, you can do so. Not only that, but the concern of even distribution of the airflow when opening or shutting the lid is a thing of the past with the patented Kontrol Tower top vent. This feature supports a stable air setting and protects the cooker from rain or other inclement weather coming into it.
Besides the hinge of the lid that uses Airlift technology, and the Kontrol Tower top vent that also makes the lid of these Kamado Joes unique, there is also a latch that is sturdy and a gasket that is made from fiberglass and is wire mesh. The latch has self-activating capabilities and is completely made from stainless steel. This means the latch will always ensure that heat does not escape the cooker. As for the gasket component of the lid, it is structured so that it allows for there to be an excellent seal that is impenetrable to airflow. In fact, the gasket is so well-designed that it outlasts other gaskets ten-fold in the business with its incredible configuration.
As for when it comes down to the actual grillin’ itself with either the Kamado Joe Classic II or Big Joe II, there are separate cooking areas available to use for simultaneous grillin’. The arrangement and design of this space incorporates grates made from stainless steel. The rack itself can be separated so that various food can be grilled at varying levels. This means that if you want to grill up burgers, brats, and some hot dogs altogether, you can do so! With this system, you never have to keep some of your friends or family waiting for their turn of food to be made.
Another major highlight of the Kamado Joe cookers is that they come fitted with all the bells and whistles you could think of for this type of grill. A lot of other manufacturers do not outright include these extra additions and make grill enthusiasts purchase each for a further cost. Some of the added components that stand out to us and come with these cookers include – but are not limited to – heat diffusing panels, the amp firebox with an upright partition, and the sliding ash drawer. The firebox in particular consists of 6 segments, which lessens the chance of it breaking. It also includes in it an upright partition, which gives you more of a clear viewpoint when stacking your charcoal on a particular side of the cooker. As for the ash drawer, this is a patented sliding feature that comes with an ash tool and is sure to make emptying it all out at the end, even more trouble-free.
Of course, with all of the already included features of each of the Kamado Joe cookers, there are also plenty of opportunities to purchase additional aspects for your grill. Some of the more notable optional additions are components like the Joetisserie, an additional grill expander, a chicken stand, and a pizza stone. The Joetisserie is an especially great add-on for your Kamado Joe cooker, as it allows you even more options for cooking. Not only can you cook multiple types of meat with this feature, but you can also easily marinate your food with its own extracts.
The Bottom Line:
It’s safe to say that if you’re looking for a top-notch grill of the kamado variety, then you need to look no further than what Kamado Joe offers. No matter if you choose either the Kamado Joe Classic II or the Big Joe II, you cannot go wrong with either choice. Both options are great for grillin’ multiple types of food at once and for how tidying up at the end becomes a total breeze!